Yapchik – For When You’re Sick of Chulent

Here’s my yapchik recipe.  Enjoy!

something great you can make when you're sick of chulent for Shabbos...
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Cook Time
24 hr
Cook Time
24 hr
  1. Defrosted meat marinaded according to taste. We use like 2 - 3 lbs of a nice, fatty brisket. Fat is good.
  2. Potatoes! We use like 5 or 6. Yukon Gold are best.
  3. 1 Onion
  4. Fresh garlic according to taste
  5. 1 cup vegetable soup
  6. Salt, pepper, whatever spices you like on your meat/chulent.
  7. Parchment paper
  1. If you want, marinade the meat beforehand overnight or for just a few hours according to taste - I use olive oil, balsamic vinegar, fresh garlic, salt, pepper, paprika, curry, ginger, cinnamon and honey if I'm in the mood - you can really get very creative with the marinade so pick one you like and go for it.
  2. Cut the meat up into appropriately sized chulent chunks.
  3. Grate the potatoes and onion as if you were making a potato kugel, all in the same bowl. Salt and pepper accordingly.
  4. Try to get as much moisture out of the potato/onion mix as possible - if you are using Yukon Gold potatoes a paper towel should absorb enough when you squeeze.
  5. Line the Crockpot with parchment paper.
  6. Put a layer of potato mix.
  7. Put a layer of meat.
  8. Put a layer of potato.
  9. Put a layer of meat.
  10. Put a layer of potato.
  11. Get this in the Crockpot cooking on low by Friday/Erev Shabbos at 12-1 PM.
  12. Right before Shabbos put in one cup of liquid - I use whatever soup is available or just water.
  13. DO NOT overdo the liquid or the yapchik will be soggy - it still tastes good but it's not the point, if you know what I mean.
  14. Enjoy!
Gluten Free Kosher http://gluten-free-kosher.com/

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