Instant Coffee: A Food You Never Dreamed Had Gluten

OK, Business Insider has a recent article describing 13 Surprising Foods that Have Gluten.. seriously?  Because of this article I felt the need to share some more knowledge – knowledge that may actually freak out some of you Folgers drinkers, even the non-celiac ones who drink the Folgers Coffee over Pesach.

For example, after my husband was diagnosed with celiac disease, he remained sick for months.  We couldn’t figure it out.  We were being so careful.  It was amazing how careful we were being to make sure not a stitch of gluten crossed his beloved fuzzy lips.  There was a period of weeks when all the man was eating was bananas, rice, and instant coffee…

That all changed when a newfound Facebook friend posted this article.  If you’d like to get into the whole nitty-gritty of this paleo-pushing article and the studies that prove the author’s standpoint, go right ahead here.  But for those of you who just want to get to the point, the title of this article that basically helped my husband begin to heal is “Celiac Disease? Why You Should Not Eat Dairy, Corn, Quinoa, Oats and Instant Coffee.”

Honestly, my husband still eats everything except Folgers instant coffee and he is fine.  But it does truly seem that celiacs and instant coffee do not mix.  Incidentally, though, he specifically had a problem with the Folgers coffee but he drinks the Maxwell House instant coffee with no adverse health effects. 

It kind of makes a person wonder though that why is it that people think that it is perfectly fine to drink Folgers coffee on Pesach without there being a Kosher for Pesach hechsher on it – and how come the Maxwell House coffee that specifically states “Kosher for Passover” causes no issue for my husband.  Coincidence?  I think not!

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